Stone Depot uses Bali stone carving as one of their projects in Indonesia and around the globe. Bunaken Oasis Resort and Spa in Manado is one example.
Bali stone carving is an essential art-form for these people of The Island of The Gods. The stone carving artwork is in many forms, like deities, demons, giant frogs, rearing stallions, and many more. You can see all the great examples from the existing workshops to the airport in Denpasar. Traditionally, Balinese stone carvers produce these stone sculptures for the gateways of the temples and the palace. According to them, gateways are the transitional forms between the inner and outer worlds. You can see that most entrances in Balinese houses, offices, or restaurants have these sculptures.
Many of these Bali stone carving statues are in the form of demons. As scary as the idea seems, these stone demons are placed for maintaining security and warning visitors to behave well once they are inside the property. The material for this stone-carving artwork is called ‘paras’. Although it looks heavy on the outside, it is more like pumice. Since this material weathers quickly in the tropical climate, the statues have to be replaced regularly. The humidity also causes moss to grow quickly and easily on the Balinese, stone-carving statues.
Stone Depot uses Bali stone carving as one of their projects in Indonesia and around the globe. One of its beautiful designs is at Bunaken Oasis Resort and Spa in Manado. Starting from many centuries ago, stone carving and sculpture in Bali have been consistent and popular too. Besides ‘paras’, the natural stones used for carving are usually from local stones like Palimanan and black stones. These are taken from some of the volcanoes in Bali. There are three (3) things that make them be considered: density, texture, and solidity. These three make stone carving statues have more class.
Therefore, there are plenty of beautiful Bali stone carving designs at Bunaken Oasis Resort and Spa in Manado. The concept of the whole property itself is highly inspired by similar resorts and spas in Bali. This is also to ensure that the property is built to harmonize with the nature around it. What makes this stone carving unique is its many options in the market, from the stone mosaic based on the deity of your choice to Buddhist-theme wall decoration. They make a different, slightly ancient and majestic look, to your room wherever it is. The prices also vary, depending on the material, size, and the complexity of the design.
If any further assistance, you need regarding our Bali Stone Carving, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: (Putri) or email:
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