  • Kalbis Institute Visit Stone Depot

    Lectures from Faculty of Economy from Kalbe Institute make an educational visit to Depot Stone’s office and showroom.They who joined the visit are coming from various backgrounds, but most are lectures of the faculty. The educational visit was held because they are interested to know about natural stone business and industry, especially marketing strategy for the commodity. Stone Depot was chosen because of its modern strategy as well as its popular name. If compared to other suppliers or companies, Stone Depot is one of the pioneers since it has the ability to lift up natural Indonesia stones to the international network.

    Kalbe Institute or Kalbis Institute is a reputable institute in Indonesia. The institute belongs to Kalbe Farma, which is the largest medicine manufacturer in Indonesia, cooperated with Bina Nusantara Foundation. The private institute is located in Pulomas, East Jakarta. Bina Nusantara Foundation was established in 1992 and becomes one of the most developed educational foundation in the country. There are two faculties in Kalbis Institute, which are Faculty of Economy and Faculty of Computer Science and Communication. The Faculty of Economy consists of three field of studies; Accounting, Management and Master Management. In the Faculty of Computer Science and Communication, there are 3 field of studies as well; Information System, Communication and Technical Information. For the educational visit to Stone Depot, only followed by lectures and staffs of the Faculty of Economy.

    The focus of the educational visit to Stone Depotis learning and gathering information on how the company rums its business. The lectures wanted to know about how a unique company like Stone Depot sells Indonesian natural stones to the world. Moreover, the visit is also used by the lectures to learn about how Stone Depot operates it management, marketing strategy as well as it business expansion. The lectures of Faculty of Economy understands well that the future of Indonesia natural stone is so bright. However, they also see there is a huge problem for the stones to enter the international market.Company like Stone Depot is seen as one of the best solutions to introduce the stones to the international customers because it runs both online and offline marketing strategies.

    During the educational visit to Stone Depot, those lectures were taken to all sections. They watched each process, from selection up to marketing. They got chance to try the processing machines, so they understand how hard conventional stone hunters. The visit shows that Stone Depot is one of the best natural stone suppliers in Indonesia.

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