  • Stone Depot Project in Perth Australia Receive Master Builder Award 2017

    Stone Depot project under builder Seacrest and Baumart Holding receive Master Builder Award 2017, which is an organization of home builders, developers and contractors based in Australia.It is really a great achievement because there are lots of criteria have to be fulfilled before an organization or company gets the award. Each company and contractor is trying to give their best in order to get the achievement.Stone Depot gets the award because of their success in supplying natural stones for private residential in Perth, Australia.

    Master Builder Award 2017 is a prestigious celebration for builders, contractors, renovators as well as sub-contractors in Australia. In this case, Stone Depot is not a builder neither contractor, but the Indonesian company is being listed as supplier for natural stone. The project that makes Stone depot reaches the success is when it worked together with Seacrest Homes. Both companies worked together building private residential above $1.000.000. Stone Depot supplied some types of natural stones, including Black Andesite Cobaltfor decorating the carport and Green Lime Stone from Sukabumi for the pool.

    Photo courtesy of Australian Benjamin Young Homes

    Master Builder Award 2017 is a celebration held by Master Builder Association of Western Australia. It is an organization of builders, renovators, contractors and subcontractors in Western Australia. More than 1,600 members in Western Australia and more than 30.000 members throughout Australia. The awards had been given since 1898 and still annually held. There are some different categories offered by the organization and become one of the highestachievement for home builders in Western Australia.


    Photo courtesy of Australian Benjamin Young Homes

    Master Builder Award 2017 is the most awaited celebration in Western Australia. There will be thousands of builders and contractors join the race to win the available categories. It is not easy to win the title because each of them must be able to create something special. The success of Stone Depot achieved the award shows to the world that Indonesian natural stones are potential. Maybe, there are many natural stones from other countries on the market, but Indonesia stone has the uniqueness and price. Yes, if compared to other types of stones, Indonesia stones are quite cheaper. However, it has a unique beauty that cannot be found on other stones from other countries. Congratulations to Stone Depot for its success of MBA 2917.

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